
Trying to navigate the spaghetti junction of post-covid travel can be as messy as eating the dish of the same name.

There’s a green list of countries that we can in theory travel to if only those countries would let us in. Many countries on the amber list are still humming and hawing about what their entry requirements are. 

And then there are those countries currently on the amber list who are so impressed with the UK vaccination rollout that they have decided to lose the faff and let British holidaymakers enter without having to show a negative Covid test, no need to provide proof of vaccination and certainly no need to quarantine. 

So who are these countries?

Costa Rica

The government of Costa Rica said: “The Costa Rican Government is not requiring coronavirus tests as a requirement to enter the country by land crossings or by air, nor has it issued quarantine orders for those entering the country by air or land.”

What you do need is proof of travel insurance with specific cover requirements in the case of contracting coronavirus, and must fill out an electronic form known as “Pase de Salud” or “Health Pass”. 

Dominican Republic

The Caribbean country, which has already fully vaccinated more there 755,000 people said it was dropping the requirement for a negative PCR test for British visitors.

The Dominican Republic tourist board said: “The country, one of the most popular in the Caribbean for the British Market, will no longer require a negative PCR test to be presented on arrival. No vaccination is required either, which will mean that younger audiences and families, who may not have been fully vaccinated can still take a trip to the destination this year.”

At the same time, the Foreign Office warns: “Travellers from the UK may be subject to a COVID-19 test upon arrival. If a passenger tests positive for COVID-19, they will be required to isolate in an authorised location.”


Estonia has chosen to release the UK from quarantine restrictions as long as the UK Covid case rate does not rise above 150 per 100,000 over a two week period. In that case, a negative PCR test would be required. At the moment it is below 50.

North Macedonia

North Macedonia is putting the onus on travellers saying that anyone with symptoms should self isolate. Other than that they say “There is no requirement for passengers arriving from the UK to self-isolate. No PCR test is required.”


Britons can fly into Mexico and the only requirement is to fill out a health questionnaire. 


Source : https://www.thetravelmagazine.net/the-countries-british-holidaymakers-can-visit-without-a-test-or-even-a-vaccination/

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